Every vocation is unique. Being a monk is a vocation. It is God who calls us to monastic life: we do not give our vocation to ourselves. But how do we know if we have a monastic vocation? It is discerned by our heart’s desire. God alone enters deep into our hearts and sows the seed of a desire to follow him in a life of closer friendship with him. When one feels drawn to monastic life, he needs to discern whether this desire is truly a call from God. He must ask God to enlighten him in prayer and talk to a few experienced people who know him well.
We admit men who are already living and practising the Catholic faith. Must have scored C+ (plus) and above in high school and didn’t join any other congregation before. These are the formation stages of our life before final commitment.


This is the Come and See programme in the monastery over a period of time. The candidate comes to see the life we live and he receives talks from various speakers on different topics. The candidate takes this time to speak to the vocation director or the superior, who helps him to discern his call.


The candidate is admitted to our abbey and is clothed with the monastic habit. He observes life in the abbey and shares fully in the community’s life of prayer and work. He begins to live as a member of the community, receiving instructions from his master. This stage of formation takes one year.


After postulancy, the postulant begins his novitiate with the ceremony of investiture with the monastic habit – short scapular and he is given a new name. He is also given the Rule of St. Benedict. The novice enters more deeply into the monastic way of life through prayer, study and work within the monastic grounds. He becomes a member of our community, continuing to receive guidance and instruction from the novice master. The novitiate lasts two years – one canonical year and another post-canonical. At the end of his novitiate, the Abbey’s Chapter determines whether the novice should make his first vows. If accepted, the novice professes temporary vows which are renewable.


During the profession of vows, the newly professed monk is vested with a full scapular and a black belt. He is welcomed with a Kiss of Peace by the community members. This is the very time that the temporary professed monk commences his Juniorate. The years of temporary profession which are renewed annually are a time for further study and absorption of the monastic way of living the Gospel, and deeper integration into our Abbey. During this time the monk continues his formation, work and studies, often at the university or seminary.


After at least 3 to 6 years of temporary vows, the junior monk may be admitted to final vows. He becomes a full member of our monastic community upon acceptance for the solemn profession. The monk professes solemn vows for life to live the commands of the Gospel through vows of stability, fidelity to monastic life and obedience. During this ceremony, as in temporary profession, he is again officially welcomed to the community with a Kiss of Peace by the community members. the new solemnly professed monk is given The Divine Office signifying the priority of his life (preferring nothing whatever before the Work of God) because it reaffirms a monk’s commitment to worship God. By virtue of solemn profession, he becomes a full member of our community and is officially welcomed to the Chapter of Tigoni Abbey.

Do you feel being called to be a Benedictine Monk?

Please send your application to:

The Vocations Director
Prince of Peace Benedictine Abbey Tigoni
P.O. Box 900 – 00217
Limuru, KENYA.
📧 [email protected]