Ora et Labora/ THE EUCHARIST


The Eucharist is the deepest encounter with Christ. It is at the very heart of our daily prayer in fulfilment of Jesus’ command to “Do this in memory of me”, Luke 22:19. We meet Christ at the altar who comes to us in different ways. We recall his actions at the Last Supper when he washed the disciples’ feet and saw his death as linked to the Passover of Israel through the Red Sea, from death to life. We recall Christ in his Passion and stand at the foot of the Cross. The Eucharist leads us to reconciliation and forgiveness. Mass is a simple meal and a Messianic banquet.

At Mass, we do the very thing that the Lord instructed the apostles to do and have handed on to us. We take the bread and the wine which transubstantiate into the body and blood of Jesus Christ in remembrance of that greatest love offering ever: Christ’s offering of his own body for the world. The Eucharist is the sacrament of unity at the heart of our monastic community.