St. Paul Kabechei Parish is located in Keiyo district within Kerio Valley and stands on a relatively high point covering the slopes of Orapko Hill was an outstation of Kamwosor parish.

Given the location of the parish, the temperature varies according to the season; that is, the dry season from October to February with temperatures of around 32 and 34 degrees Celsius and the rainy season from March to August with temperatures of around 16 degrees Celsius.

The area sometimes experiences landslides during the rainy season but has a scenic beauty with a natural forest which accommodates wild animals like monkeys, squirrels, bush babies and others.  Has a total of 5 primary and 2 secondary schools. St. Paul Kabechei was the last parish to hand over to the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret in 2018.

Until our 2022 Golden Jubilee, the parish had grown to 13 outstations and 48 small Christian communities.