St. Benedict Arror Parish is located at the Kerio Valley about 50 kilometres away from Kabarnet – Iten main road. It was started as an outstation of Chesongoch in 1973 and was established as a parish in 1974 as the third Benedictine parish.

With the help of the Irish Medical Missionaries of Mary MMM, a health centre was opened in 1976 which also included a mobile clinic. In the pastoral and social work, Father Benedict was assisted by Brother Lawrentius from 1974 and Father Alex Wachter from 1976 to 1979.

In 1983, Saint Benedict Secondary School was founded under the directorship of Father Florian who later on put special emphasis on agriculture since 1992. The parish has a total of 13 primary schools and out of these, 11 are church sponsored. St. Benedict Arror parish was handed over to the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret in 1997.

Until our 2022 Golden Jubilee, the parish had grown to 12 outstations and 56 small Christian communities.