Holy Spirit Chesoi Parish is located in the Northern part of the highland plateau, in Sambirir Location, Tot Division, 100 kilometres away from Eldoret town. It was an outstation of Chesongoch since 1973.

Two years later, on 10th April 1975, the bishop of Eldoret made it the second Benedictine parish. The first priest was Father Lukas Angermeier. The work at Chesoi had lots of aspects right from the beginning; Masses, catechesis, youth activities, posho mill and water pump.

The spiritual and social needs of the people were considered equally. Father Lukas took care of the parish until his death in 1988. Holy Spirit Chesoi Parish was the first parish to be handed over to the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret in 1988. It has 12 nursery schools, 12 primary schools and 2 secondary schools. Until our 2022 Golden Jubilee, the parish had grown to 17 outstations and 56 small Christian communities.