
The Abbot has full jurisdiction of the abbey and governs both internal and external affairs. He is normally assisted by the Prior as his first deputy and the Subprior as his second deputy. The abbot works with an elected Council of the Seniorate and in consultation with the Chapter of the Abbey.



Right Reverend John Baptist Oese Imai OSB was born on 5th October 1977 at Ikapolok, Malaba Parish in the Catholic Diocese of Bungoma. He went to Ikapolok primary school from 1985 to 1992. He proceeded to St. Gabriel Minor Seminary, Kisumu from 1993 to 1995 and Achiya Echakara Secondary School from 1996 to 1997.

He entered the monastery on 12th February 1999 and after his initial formation, he took his temporary vows on 5thJanuary 2002. John Baptist studied philosophy at the Consolata Institute of Philosophy at Langata, Nairobi from May 2002 to May 2005. He started his studies in theology at Tangaza University in August 2005. He made his solemn vows on 5th January 2008 and completed theology in December 2008. He served as Novice Master from January to October 2009. He was ordained as a deacon on 31st October 2009. He served as a deacon at Illeret parish in the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit from November2009 to April 2010.

He was ordained to the priesthood on 10th July 2010. From 1st August 2010 to 27th June 2012, he served as the AssistantParish Priest of St. Benedict Ruaraka in the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. He once more served as the Assistant Novice Master in Ndanda Abbey, Tanzania from 28th June 2012 to 31st August 2013. He was appointed as the Parish Priest of St. Benedict Ruaraka on 9th September 2013 where he served until 23rd January 2015.

John Baptist was elected and confirmed as the Conventual Prior on 24th January 2015 where he took over the leadership of the monastery as the last Conventual Prior until September 2020. He was elected and confirmed as the first Abbot of Tigoni Abbey on 23rd September 2020 after the Conventual Priory was raised to the status of an abbey by Rt. Rev. Jeremias Schroeder, Abbot President of the Congregation of St. Ottilien on 20th September 2020.

Rt. Rev. John Baptist Oese received his blessing as the Abbot in the Abbey on 14th November 2020 in a beautiful Eucharistic celebration presided over by His Lordship, Most Rev. David Kamau, Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi.

Abbot John Baptist served as a member of our Congregation Council from September 2016 to September 2022. He is the first substitute member of the current Council of the Congregation. He also plays the following roles: the founder member of Tangaza University and the Executive Member of the Religious Superiors’ Conference of Kenya (RSCK). He is a member of the African Region within the Congregation of St. Ottilien and the Chairperson of the Benedictine and Cistercian Union of Eastern Africa (BECUEA) – Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia.