Dependent Communities

Apostolate is carried out in all our parishes of St. Benedict Ruaraka Parish, The Risen Christ Kapkemich parish, St. Peter the Fisherman Illeret parish and the Shrine Community of Our Lady of Mount Kenya Nanyuki.


St. Peter the Fisherman Illeret parish is located at the eastern shore of Lake Turkana and at the border of Kenya and Ethiopia in the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit. It was an outstation of North Horr parish. Right Reverend Ambrose Ravasi, the then bishop of Marsabit had on a number of occasions requested the Benedictines to take up the challenge of bringing the Benedictine presence among the Daasanach people. In 2003, Fr. Florian went on a scouting mission assisted by the priests of North Horr parish who had embarked on plans to start mission work.
After thorough deliberations, the Benedictines took up the task and Saint Peter the Fisherman was officially opened on 29th of June 2005 on the occasion of the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Rev. Fr. Florian became the first parish priest where he served for about 16 years.

Today, the parish community continues with the parish pastoral activities, guest house and the garage for repairing cars. With the help of the late Rev. Fr. Florian Prinz von Bayern OSB, Illeret Nomadic Education System – INES was started in order to boost the literacy among the nomads at Illeret. The parish has a total of 8 outstations, 3 stable and 5 purely nomadic outstations.

Br. Stephen Imbiakha OSB is the Superior of Illeret and Rev. Fr. Benedict Mukhavali OSB is the current Parish Priest July 2021 after taking over from Fr. Florian.




06:00 Lauds & Mass

18:30 Matins &Vespers


06:30 Matins

06:50 Lauds & Mass

18:30 Vespers



07:00 Matins & Lauds

09:30 Mass

18:30 Vespers