30th July 2023
BECUEA (Benedictine Cistercian Union of Eastern Africa) is a body which brings together both Benedictines and Cistercians in Eastern Africa.
On 15th to 29th July 2023, Junior professed Brothers and Sisters from BECUEA congregated at the Sacred Heart Priory of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing in Karen – Nairobi Kenya. Normally, the BECUEA Novices’ Workshop
focuses on the Rule of St. Benedict and the Sustainability in view of Benedictine Spirituality of Prayer and Work. The recent workshop of this kind was held in the Monastery of the Cistercian Nuns at Masaka, Uganda from 6th to 13th June 2023.
On the other hand, the Juniors’ one focuses on the Benedictine Spirituality, Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults, Canon Law, Community Building (Team Building) & Stewardship and Sustainability in Monastic Communities.
Thanks to the BECUEA Leadership, Members and the benefactors for their prayers, moral and material support; hence, enabling and facilitating these workshops. May God grant the best of your hearts’ desires and strengthen you in all good that you do.